26 April 2010


The first revision of the Box cover is complete! I think Mark has done a fantastic job and only have a couple of things that I might want to see changed, but wanted to share with those that follow the blog...




16 April 2010

Federation/Faction Names

In our meeting yesterday we discussed several things, but one thing I wanted to start getting feedback on was something that Jay brought up.  Rather than just plain old colors we would like to have federation names.  If you have something good please comment and we will open a poll at some future time for voting.  We need 4 names and with your name please tell us your color alignmment (if it means something to you).
Also, we discussed the storyline behind the game a little.  The artist doing our box art asked if there was a storyline and we basically had to tell him what we had in the rules under the introduction and objective section.  That got us thinking and we are most likely going to up the amp it up a bit.  For this I requested my up and coming author Sister, Hollie, to come up with something. Excited to see what we end up with but she has already come up with a first revision to what we had.  The finished product will likely make a nice post in the future.

14 April 2010

Global Revolution

We appreciate everyone that takes time to look at the blog and visit our page on Facebook.  It's great to see people around the world visit the site and it's very encouraging when some of those people return to see updates.
Please feel free to leave comments.  The only thing more encouraging than seeing the new red dots start to get bigger is seeing comments.

12 April 2010


We've been developing our second game (may turn out that it hits the market first). It looks like Mercenaries (actaully it will be called Mercenaries of the Revolution) will start to take shape soon to kick off the Revolution Series of an eventual series of three (and potentially more) game series to be introduced.
The thing that will make this interesting is that the games will be interlinked by a master board and teams can be developed to play a master game at different times and tracked for game play.  We hope to bring friends to the table with this concept rather than via online forums with little or no interaction.
The 3rd game in the series will be Snipers of the Revolution and their is a concept for a 4th game to be named later.
Most people following the blog know about Generals of the Revolution and the name of the fourth game will be first announced via the blog for loyal followers.

05 April 2010

We're getting serious about this now...

Our facebook page is up now, but I would hardly call it running.   Talked with Christina today and sounds like email will most likely be ready be End of week.
Only a little over a week left for voting your color.

02 April 2010

Prodigy Game Works Progress

It's almost official.  We will soon be an official LLC and work is in progress for our website and company emails should be active before long.  These are things that we have made priorities towards becoming a company and publishing by October 1, 2010.  It is our goal to not only publish by that time but also submit for an Origins Award for board games among others.
We appreciate all those who have helped get us to this point.  At risk of forgetting someone I will try and name those I can think of right now.  Probably foremost would be Rosie for her patience with a fanatical husband followed by Jay, Todd, Kendra, and Hollie.  They have been hugely instrumental in getting Prodigy Game Works to the point that it is and more importantly Generals of the Revolution.  I would be ungrateful if I didn't also thank Eddie and Danny Guerrero for the time they have given me with playtesting (I guess Nancy as well for letting me steal them on the weekends).    I need to recognize Christina as well for helping with guidance and her web support among other things.  I also want to thank my mom for the name of the game and use of her home for playtesting.
I also thank my dad for the experience he provided that pretty much prompted this whole activity as mentioned in previous emails.  I most certainly wish he were still around to see this. He and Mom have always been so supportive of most everything that I have done even when they didn't understand the motivation (i.e. College Football walk-on after quitting a great job at Delta Airlines).
Lastly, and probably most importantly, I recognize my Heavenly Father for the promptings and inspiration for much of the game mechanics.  Hollie always asks how this all came about because it seems so far-fetched, and I can only attribute it to the late night and early morning promptings that saw me at the computer or drawing up new ideas on a few hours sleep.  This, after all is said, is what keeps me trying.
THANK YOU to all who have helped.  Their are others who have given of their time to playtest and provide input as well.  I greatly appreciate all those who have made their way to read the blog as well.  That has been encouraging.  Especially when I see people around the world who look at it.