28 February 2010

Unit Names

We had a great day of game play testing yesterday and the discussion turned to the naming of the pieces.  The question came up of why are the Troop Rockers called what they are and not infantry or soldiers when none of the other pieces have distinct names?
The answer is simple, I haven't come up with any names.  Todd named the Troop Rockers while designing them for me in SolidWorks (3D Modeling software).  I came up with ArmTechs for the armored units, but then found that it was a company name, so I then came up with ArmTors, but it hasn't really stuck.
This leads to where the discussion headed.  Kendra and Hollie then both thought it cute to say you should name the Troop Rockers, Soldiers; the armored units, Tanks; the Sea pieces, Boats; and the Air units Airplanes.  REAL CUTE.  Obviously, they were saying these things tongue in cheek (at least I hope they were), and then throughout the game Hollie kept throwing out names for all of the pieces.  Some of which were okay and others not so much.  All of this said, Hollie said that I should put up a survey with a list of names and let people pick.  I have posted a poll for Infantry names to the left and the rest on the right (Trying to balance the blog a little :)).  As the last option for all I have put Better in Comments- meaning that you can come up with something better than the available options and you have posted them in comments for this posting.
I very well hope that the last option wins for most if not all and I am excited to see what people can come up with.  I will then repost some polls in a week with a better list of options (ones left in comments) and open those up to opinions.
Thanks in advance for your postings!

22 February 2010

New Game Name

I've been getting new names for the game tossed at me from different directions.  My mom came up with one yesterday that I really liked with a slight twist.  She said "Lords of the Revolution" and I'm thinking seriously about "GENERALS of the REVOLUTION" as the name for the game.
I've also recruited another fan that is willing to play this Saturday.  A long time friend who I talked to today about the idea while he was helping me with some ideas for taking credit cards on my website and while I'm out and about trying to sell the game asked about the details of the game and got interested.  Jeremy Goodman will most likely join us for some game play this weekend.  We should have at least 4 people there to play (Jay, John, Hollie, & now Jeremy) and if Eddie is able to make it as well then all the better.  I get really excited when people show interest in the game.  Hopefully it continues to garner support and excitement.
Also, I sent a message to the Scott Curtis about the company logo.  I opted for Concept 6 with some input to add a more professional version of a logo I came up with a few months ago. 

I'm excited to see what he comes back with.

21 February 2010


For all those who may come across this blog, are led to it, and especially those who have started to follow it, if you would like to get more information on playtesting dates or other information please feel free to leave your email address in the comments and I will add you to my distribution.  If you aren't comfortable doing so, you can always email me at prodigygameworks@gmail.com until I get the official website and emails up and running.
I'm going to try and get some play time in this Saturday  (tentatively set for 11am, but that can be changed)for those that are interested.  We can support up to 8 players and if we get enough interest I'm sure that I could get the pieces together that we used for past games to make a 3rd table.  If there is enough interest I may even buy some pizza for lunch for everyone that shows up.

18 February 2010

Game Artist?

Do you know any really good artists?  I need to find one for some game pieces and ultimately a box cover.
I can't pay much, but am willing to pay.

17 February 2010

New Game Name

Found out today that there is already a game that was published last year called Revolution.  Back to the drawing board for a name.  World (Global) Revolution maybe?
This kind of stinks!  One more hurdle.

16 February 2010

One more thing...

If there is anything from this experience I've learned it is that there is a lot to learn.  And all of my weak spots are starting to really show.  The game idea is something that I've had in my head since my Dad (I remember watching him some evenings with his teachers quorum playing Risk and thinking I knew it well enought that I could play with them.  Probably where I got the bug from :)) bought Todd and I the Game Master series of games (I've mentioned this in past blogs), but the sales and marketing part of it is going to be tough.  This became even more evident over the past few weeks when I found out that much of my family didn't even know I started this blog.  I'm not terribly pushy, if at all, and I'm going to have to learn to put it in peoples faces a bit more I suppose.  Hopefully the convention in Las Vegas next month will help me.  I do have a strong passion for board gaming and especially REVOLUTION and I just hope it's enough to get me over my many weaknesses.
I would like to thank my wife and family for their patience and support while I've been trying to make a go of this thing.  They may never know what it means to me, especially right now when that learning curve is smacking me right in the nose.
Just a quick little reminder that we're going to try to get together this weekend for a game if anyone is interested.  I have two set all ready to be played or loaned out.

03 February 2010

Initial Logo Designs are in!!!

These are copies of the original revisions of concepts that have been presented by Curtis Design Group (in the order the designer presented them with corresponding numbers):

Mind you colors and things can change, but this is where we stand right now.  There are a few that I like and I think a hybrid of 2 or more of them is what I would propose and I would love to hear what everyone thinks that follows this blog.  Please feel free to post comments and vote using the buttons in the left column.

Playtest Day

We're planning another playtest day for Feb. 20th.  If you're interested in joining us please let us know.