05 May 2012

Potential New Artist

In preparation for Phoenix Comicon, I was getting the rulebook for Generals of the Revolution printed at Kinko's today.  While the guy behind the counter was working out the layout for printing he noticed what he was working on and asked if I was doing artwork for something and I mentioned that it's a rulebook for a game and I'm not an artist.  This sequence touched off further conversation and he said that he is an artist and he has been working with a local game publisher (Crash Games) on some artwork.  His name is Ian Rosenthaler and interestingly enough he has a bunch of artwork on the Deviant Art site (listed as Isorose) that I have referenced on a few occasions previously.  Upon his recommendation I looked him up on Facebook as well and low and behold he has FZD listed as an interested/activity.  That is the design school that I believe Kai attends/ed as well.
Needless to say we may be talking with him a bit more in the near future.
We will likely run into Crash Games at Phoenix Comicon as well and hope to be able to talk to them about their path to publishing games.
Small World.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John! First thing I did this morning was jump online and research about the game and wht-not. I am super excited to see you've already posted about our kinkos encounter lol. It is certainly a small world. Lets talk soon here :)
